#Somalia: #UAE Government Meetings for Somali #CLAN #ENCLAVE...

#Somalia: #UAE Government Meetings for Somali #CLAN #ENCLAVE...: I did not write for some time on my blog for the simple reason that I thought that I had almost answered all pertinent questions and answer...

#UAE Government Meetings for Somali #CLAN #ENCLAVES Leaders.A short Analysis Part 1.

I did not write for some time on my blog for the simple reason that I thought that I had almost answered all pertinent questions and answers about the so-called tragic Somali Issues.I decided to rest till things maybe start to change.I also had some problems with my "legal status" as a person  in Kenya. Now with the so-called election/selection by Clan communities of new members for the so-called Somali  Federal Parliament and the crucial election of the Somali Republic next President all in this year or next January things are looking some how changed for different reasons . 
More importantly it looks even the Political landscape in the Horn of Africa is on the verge of a new political paradigm.What I mean and hope  is the Political upheaval going on in ETHIOPIA will bring a political Change in the long term for the sub colonizing Agenda of the Tigre Regime for the Somali Republic. The Tigre Regime of Ethiopia has started taking back some of its Armies- specially those well trained Tigre officers - and I hope in the long run it will realize that its policy toward Somalia has totally failed. But for them to recognize their wrong policies we have to wait for a change in the internal political dynamics of ETHIOPIA  Will Ethiopia become more democratic with Rule of Law  and respect Colonial Borders and give up on its sub colonizing  Agenda for Somali Republic? Or will continue in its "Old school" politics for Somalia which started from the days of Menelik, Haile Selassie, Menghistu and continued by Meles Zenawi and the recent regime  of subdividing and sub colonizing the Somali Republic  to get the vast reserves of OIL and GAS offshore and onshore inside the Somali Republic? The puppet Clan Enclaves Leaders made by  Ethiopia- called President- for Somali Republic are already feeling the repercussions of the Oromo protest inside Somalia and started asking where they will get the next Protegee.Did the EU and US be more assertive in their dealings with the African Union, IGAD  and Ethiopia vis a  vis Somalia? Will some Arab countries to whom Somalia sees as brothers will change their Old politics of supporting the Somali Salafist movement particularly the Somali Salafist Business Cartels in their Agenda to have influence and hegemony in Somali Republic? Will  they Change some Arab- rich individuals  who profess to be Salafist themselves who support the Salafist Jihadist part of the  Somali Salafist Movement? And start  supporting  a democratic Somali Nation State with Rule of Law  in a devolved federal system part of the Arab countries and Arab League? All this Questions and others more radical like the emergence of the dreaded terrorist group #ISIL inside Somali Republic ( some factions of the extremist/Jihadist group #AlShabaab have declared allegiance to #ISIL in north est of Somalia region of Puntland and in Jubbaland region making the Salafist Jihadist groups based in sub-Clans territory and membership) are being asked at this meeting by #UAE government with the Somali Clan Enclaves Leaders in DUBAI this last week. I believe the Arab countries have came to know that the Somali Salafist movement- specially the Somali Salafist Business Cartels with their allies the Drug Cartels/ Organized crimes groups- has had a historical political convergence and strategical alliance with the Tigre regime of ETHIOPIA. For a very long time some members of the Somali Salafist movement started in the 70" in Somalia had relationships and links with the Menghiste regime and later was reinforced during the Meles era to become a strategic  alliance which  its main aim was to subdivide Somali Republic in Clan Enclaves where Elite Clan Puppet leaders allied to Ethiopia  control the political spheres and the Salafist Business cartels the entire economy of this so-called Lands who will become a real sovereign states in the long rum.See my post like "OIL and GAS,Clan Enclaves and ETHIOPIA- IGAD Hegemony" and "Who are the Business people of Somalia" and "Short rebuttal to Matt Bryden interview......"and " For the New PM of Somalia : Lessons from the recent past".
In Somalia from the 90" there were two political groups running the show : 1) the Clan Elites Political Leaders who became Warlords instigating civil strive and fraternal civil wars and 2) the Somali Salafist movement who were made of different sub groups but the most assertive were the the Salafist Business cartels/Organized crimes groups and the Salafist Jihadist in the movement like #AlShabaab which now is subdividing itself in sub Clans groups and some swearing allegiance to #ISIL.The Arabs like Ethiopia were part of the problem of Somalia because by religiuos links they were linked to the Somali Slafist movement.Now if the #UAE  government tries to change things they are very welcome  but the Somali people-citizens must be involved and Somali civil societies .The Clan Elites Puppetb Leaders are sons and part  of the strategic Agenda of the ETHIOPIA-IGAD states and cannot solve or bring forward Change in Somalia. Any agenda for change which is not based on the real National interest of the Somali Republic will fail.Only real Leaders who reppresent the totality of Somali citizens can bring change.Wait and see.


#Somalia: WHY Dr abiy AHMED WENT TO MOGADISHU? FOR OIL & GAS... : INTRODUCTION:            On 16 June MR. Abiy  Ahmed PM of Ethiopia ...