#Somalia: It’s SOMALIA Federal Government on the BRINK of IM...

#Somalia: It’s SOMALIA Federal Government on the BRINK of IM...:         If we read Somali media in these days it seems all Déjà vu.  After 25 Octobert 2014  the day the reshuffle was annonced the  us...

It’s SOMALIA Federal Government on the BRINK of IMPLOSION? Part 1.Wait and see.

        If we read Somali media in these days it seems all Déjà vu.  After 25 Octobert 2014  the day the reshuffle was annonced the  usual infighting between President and PM of the Somali Federal government started  going at full speed with all the recrimination, accusations on the FM radios and specially the BBcsomali.com and the VoaSomali .com,Somali websites etc. But to all accounts things are very different from past infighting's although the form is the same. Now the international community looks more united , involved - speaking openly-specially the UN, EU on the issues at stake of the reshuffle and supporting the PM reshuffle , while the Ethiopian government and IGAD countries  are siding with the President. The US is silent but every body assuming  they are   siding with the International community and the UN. Also silent are Turkey and Qatar which  I suspect are-mistakenly- siding with the President but U.A.E and Saudi Arabia I do not think they  will ever accept a Somalia controlled by ETHIOPIA and a bunch of Salafist Business Cartels allied to Organized crimes. The main  issue is the reshuffle of some  ministries made by the Somali PM Abdiweli Sheik Ahmed  and the one specially on  the now "infamous" Minister for  Justice and Constitutional Affairs.This Minister Mr. Abdulkadir Farah  is of a unique  "specimen" in the Somali political kaleidoscope.He is a well know  as a so- called Salafist-secretary general of the Salafist party  so-called Damu Jadid (New Blood) and in the same time "very Close" ally of the Tigre regime of Ethiopia. This party unofficially is the one who fundraised and collected money from Kuwait foundations ( to whom was working at least for the last 15 years before he became politician and  Minister in 2012),Qatar organizations, who where used to finance the Election of President Hassan Sheik in 2012. Also he  is the main point man of the sub colonization of the Somali Republic, the subdivision of the country in Clan-Enclaves( he was behind and signed the so- called "Addis-Ababa Agreement" for the Jubba regions which is a total failure and rejected by the Clan- communities of that region ) based on sectarian system and more importantly of the change of our legal system in a subtle way-.read my post " The Rule of Law or Rule of Militant Salafist ". While I was writing this article on Friday 07/ November it came in the news that the a Motion of no-confidence for the PM will be made on November 08 2014. Before I give my take on the main issues of this  controversy and infighting let me make a short timeline of past events between PM and Presidents and the usual power struggles and manipulation of ETHIOPIA in the Somali so- called political system.. From 2000 when the IGAD group run and used by ETHIOPIA for the sub colonization of SOMALIA  started being  the main architect in the institution Building of Somali State this infighting was part of the Somali political “system”. It was mostly engineered by the Tigre Regime of ETHIOPIA and the Somali Local  political-economic actors like  the Salafist Movement represented by the Salafist Business cartels, their Close allies the Somali Organized Crimes groups- part of the Business community and Elite politicians- and the Somali Elite Clan puppet Leaders who usually defend, promote the interest of ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries( to know more read my post called " For the New PM: lessons from a recent past" of December 2013.). We have witnessed the infighting between President Abdullahi Yusuf and his two PMs in between 2004-2009. We have also seen the infighting between President Sheik Sharif Ahmed and his two PMs like Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke  and Mohamed Abdullahi  “Farmajo”. Every time one prime Minister was ousted and replaced by another. As the pundits at BBCSomali.com said it was an average of one PM per year from 2000 till today.President Hassan which everybody expected to be different –being an academic with a long experience and connections with the West- but looks he is worse or the same pasta of all the other past Presidents. He is ousting his second PM, the first Shirdoon was ousted when he tried to replace this same Minister Mr. Farah Abdulkadir. Here I am not accusing past and present presidents to be bad or good but everyone was conditioned and pressurized by the local interest  groups- mainly the Salafist Business Cartels and the Elite Clan puppet leaders  to whom they were linked as Leaders and individual politician.  President Abdikassim was an Al-Islah-moderate Islamist  group member,former Minister in Siad Barre regime who was disliked by ETHIOPIA by being also a Nationalist who  disliked ETHIOPIA and IGAD countries monopoly in Somali National Politics. His PM was a pro- West academic Mr. Ali Khalif  Galayr who also disliked the Ethiopian interference and control. .The others who followed were just mere puppet Leaders there for opportunistic reasons.President Abdikassim  came there by default.It was the only time the Ethiopians were outsmarted in the making of Puppet Leaders for Somalia.All other conferences and so- called elections were controlled and manipulated by ETHIOPIA-IGAD.  At the Carta conference the IGAD group  mainly Ethiopia was for the other candidate Mr. Abdullahi Addow  in the Presidential  race but the conference Clan  MPs-delegates  elected Abdikassim supported by the Somali Salafist Business Cartels  who were financing the conference, facilitated  its outcome together with the Djibouti government.The Clans Blood Lineage are all the time used  to be the main system to choose the President and PM.After it was the  Magbati, Nairobi conference of 2004  in which the Clan based MPs elected Abdullahi Yusuf (2004-2009)  a Colonel who was one of the founding members of the Clan based opposition groups the S.S.D.F who later in 2008 will become first  President of the second Clan- Enclave administration of Puntland. in 2008. He  believed  that with military force and the assistance  of the Ethiopian-Tigre  Armada which will be permitted to invade Somalia, Somalis can be ruled  with Iron fist and the Salafist movement- the islamic Courts Union and Al-Shabaab - subdued or eliminated.. But unfortunately his own PM  Mr. Prof. Ali Mohamed Gedi who was there thanks to Meles Zenawi regime  was against him from day one.Secondly he came to realize that his best friends the Tigre Armada of Ethiopia   were there to recolonize Somalia and not to fight Al-Shabaab and the Islamic Courts Union.His second PM has more sympathy  to ETHIOPIA Agenda  and they did not like each other because he had Presidential ambitions.

The Time of President Sheik Sharif Ahmed.

        President abdullahi Yusuf was changed before his time was up.The Tigre regime of ETHIOPIA has its political  game plans.They made a political deal in 2009 arranged by the Somali Salafist Business cartels/Organized crimes ( read my post of july 2014"Endemic Corruption? Somali Republic is base to Organized crimes/Drug Trafficking groups from at least last 23 years.") with some members of the now disbanded Islamic Courts Union and some of the so- called members of the  Parliament who used to be so- called "rebels" and who were relocated in Asmara.Eritrea. The deal with Ethiopia was made by Sheik Sharif Ahmed -former number 2 of the Islamic courts Union- who will became President in pre- arranged presidential- Clans MPs Election in Djibouti,Djibouti Republic  and Mr. Sharif Hassan- best friend of ETHIOPIA and IRAN- who will became the next Speaker of Parliament. This regime will be from 2009- 2012.

(to be continued)



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